A.4 Remix workshops: a community of high school teachers listen and write their way to intentional presence and dream potential futures

Thu Oct 27 / 9:30 – 10:30 / Burwash Room, rm 2005, Hart House

chairs /

  • Ashleigh A. Allen, OISE/ University of Toronto
  • Douglas Friesen, OISE/ University of Toronto

We designed an institutionally funded project titled Remix Camp, which was a series of virtual creative workshops over six days in July 2021. With a community of high school teachers from Toronto and New York City we investigated: How can teachers use writing and listening practices to practice care and dream alternative futures during this time of Covid19? Since the lives of teachers are indivisible from their praxis, this work attends to students by attending to teachers and their evolving pedagogy and curriculum. Inspired by Oliveros, Ono, Schafer and others, we understand remix as a way to re-understand and re-experience something anew. There is evidence that offering support, guidance, and the opportunity to create with colleagues alleviates hesitations and deficiencies teachers often experience in cultivating creative curriculum and designing alternative learning environments. This project attends to what education scholars are requesting: a reimagining of education that focuses on compassion, community, and relational accountability.

key words: listening, poetry, care, remix, pedagogy, curriculum

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